Since I took over with the kids' homeschooling, I've been practicing "radical unschooling." The basic idea is that all kids want to learn and explore their interests, and if you just let them go with the flow, they'll find out all that they need.
Part of it is relaxing enough to *really* let them do their own thing, even if they just seem to want to play computer games and go sledding and watch movies. I mean, we do things together like read aloud to them and go to various events, but here I'm talking about their unstructured time.
So I've been waiting patiently to see what will unfold. I've been providing materials that they mention an interest in, and giving ideas of stuff that we could do.
Last night, after a very snowy day, Bridget asked if she could read to me. I said "sure," and she mentioned she had a boring day and was sick of computer games. She practiced her reading by reading to me, then reading to herself in her room (which I know because she asked me about a few words). This morning, I offered to help her with writing practice as well. She was psyched, and her first journal entry was a list of goals.
Her goals are based on the ones I have written up on my white board: art, drumming, writing, love, and reading (the last one is her own; mine says yoga). She did a big art project with Sash today, and some knitting. She is playing computer right now, while her brother's at basketball, but I'm sure we'll be reading together later this evening. I love it when a plan comes together! :)