...on this blog? Well, no promises, though I have been enjoying the writing I've been doing lately with BlackLion.
What I want to write about now, though, is my renewal of focus on yoga. Since I had Lyme disease last year at this time, I haven't been doing yoga regularly, and sometimes not at all. I've missed it, but up until now I haven't found the motivation to get back to it. Taking yoga classes often helps give me a boost back into doing my home practice, but when I was working, the schedule for the teachers I like didn't fit with my work schedule. Since I've been home, I hadn't yet made time for fitting classes into my un-schedule.
For the last 12 days, though, I've been doing at least a half-hour of yoga every day, and often more! The exception was the day of our Lammas Bash, when I did just a few stretches out on the lawn with my friend Steve. Being focused on yoga once again feels excellent! Even just over the last few days, my flexibility has improved greatly. It's fun and interesting to see how I'm getting my stretchiness back. Not just physically, either...it really helps with being flexible in my thinking and feeling, too.
I may still take some classes, come fall. Just for variety, and to share the experience with other yoginis and yogis. Namaste!